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TLC Committee

Current Co-Chairs: Steven Hart; David Rodriguez


Members: Jonathan Bodrero, Kelly Brooks, Alan Christensen (Senate Representative), Robert Cox, Steven Hart, Jessica Jones, Jeannie Kleinhans, Christopher Lee, Kevin Powell, David Rodriguez, Erica Sirrine, Justin Thorpe, Kami Tyler

TLC Mission:

The general mission of the TLC is the following:

  1. Provide instructional design support for faculty and staff;
  2. Provide instructional technology support;
  3. Support pedagogical professional development;
  4. Support faculty as the Canvas administrators;
  5. Provide faculty, adjunct faculty, and staff access to instructional technologies;
  6. Provide a clearinghouse for information about new and existing instructional technologies. 

TLC Committee Bylaws: As a sub-committee of the faculty senate, the Teaching and Learning Center Committee has approved bylaws which can be found on the TLC Committee Bylaws page of Faculty Senate.